Clash between two rival groups of Rohingya leaves woman dead

Our Correspondent :
A Rohingya woman has been killed during the exchange of fire between two rival groups of Rohingya at Kutupalong camp under Ukhia upazila in Cox’s Bazar district.
Deceased Samira Akter, 40, was the daughter of Soyed Alam, said Camp No. 2 Head Majhi Sirajul Mostafa. Two groups of Rohingya led by Arsa and Master Munna opened fire on each other on Friday midnight over establishing supremacy in the camp, leaving 10 people injured.
The injured were taken to MSF Hospital in Kutupalong where Samira succumbed on Saturday.
Registered camp chairman Hafez Jalal Ahmed said both groups have been at loggerhead for a long time. As a result, the local innocent Rohingya live in fear.
Ukhia Police Station officer in-charge (OC) Sanjur Morshed said the body was sent to Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital morgue.