CJ wants steps to check graft in judiciary


UNB, Dhaka :Chief Justice M Muzammel Hossain on Tuesday asked the heads of various tiers of the lower judiciary to take effective steps to check corruption.”I take serious note of it the information relating to corruption of any judicial officer or staff since there is a room for corruption in the judiciary,” the Chief Justice told a judges’ conference held at the Supreme Court auditorium.He further said, “My stance against corruption is very firm and clear. Any negligence over corruption won’t be tolerated as corruption begets injustice.” Muzammel Hossain noted that if injustice takes place at a place then there appears a threat to justice allover.The Chief Justice made it clear that he will not take cognisance of any complaint of harassing judges, but he will take the allegation into consideration if it is sound, and such allegation will be investigated by a competent judge.”If the corruption charge is proved, stern actions will be taken against the judicial officer or employee,” he said.The Chief Justice also advised the judges to stop staying hearings or entertaining time petitions to ensure the quick disposal of cases. He also advised them to attend courts in time.Over 300 judges, including District Judges, Chief Judicial Magistrates, Chief Metropolitan Magistrates and holding equivalent posts equivalent responsibilities attended the function, conducted by SC registrar-in-charge SM Quddus Zaman.
