CJ slams ICT prosecution


Risingbd.com :Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha has come down heavily on prosecution of the International Crimes Tribunal saying now it is time to bring it and its investigation orgainsation to justice for their failure in operating cases over war crimes.The Chief Justice came up with the remarks pointing to Attorney General Mahbubey Alam during the represention of final arguments against Jamaat leader Mir Quasem Ali on Wednesday.Earlier on Tuesday, S K Sinha also criticised prosecution of the inefficiency, incompetence and weakness in operating war crimes’ cases including Mir Quasem Ali’s one.Chief Justice said, “We are very shocked about the role of prosecution in operating war crimes’ cases. We feel hurt when we see evidences and read these. We feel bore while we read the cases and observe these. All cases are being operated in such way.”At one stage, the Chief Justice pointed finger to the Attorney General and asked him why did they operate the cases being such half-hearted?S K Sinha said, “Government is spending millions of money for prosecution and and its investigative organisation. But how are they operating the cases? The state counsels are now busy to show faces on TV screens.” “They are using costly cars and moved with the help of police,” the CJ added.
