CJ for conservation of environ, gender equality

BSS, Dhaka :
Chief Justice Md Muzammel Hossain yesterday urged the members of Lions Clubs to incorporate conservation of environment and gender equality in their areas of works, keeping in view greater service to the humanity at all levels of the society.
“These two areas are closely related to and relevant for ongoing endeavors for emancipation of the distressed humanity in Bangladesh and elsewhere of the world,” he said while addressing the chief guest the 21st Annual District Convection of the Lions Clubs International District 315 B 2 at a local hotel.
Justice Md Muzammel Hossain referred to the
invaluable services of this philanthropist organization to the humanity and nation building activities and said the collective endeavors of both government and non-government organizations like Lions Clubs has made Bangladesh a role model in disaster management.
Praising Lions Clubs’ support to the victims of natural calamities and other disasters in the forms of medical facilities, accommodation, livelihood and protection, he said the Lions members’ relentless efforts in enhancing people’s awareness about contagious diseases, sanction, public health and hygiene deserve much appreciation from all sections of the people.
Lions leaders Sheikh Kabir Hossian, Moslem Ali Khan, FBCCI President Qazi Akram Uddin Ahmed, Dr Jaglul A Majumder, Khandaker Jahangir Kabir and Abdullah Al Sayeed were present on the occasion, attended by Lions members representing different clubs.