Rohingya crisis: Civil society seeks int’l community’s action

UNB, Dhaka :
Citizens’ Alliance, a platform of rights bodies, on Wednesday urged the international community to take effective steps for stopping violence against the Rohingya people, Myanmar’s ethnic minority group, immediately.
They urged the leaders of all powerful states, including China, Russia, India, Japan and the USA, to put diplomatic pressure and influence on Myanmar to stop the persecution and repatriate the Rohingyas taken shelter in Bangladesh.
They made the call at a press conference held at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) in the city.
Rights activist Sultana Kamal read out a written statement on behalf of the Alliance.
“Such obvious acts of human rights violation and barbarism are comparable to the cruelty and genocide of the Pakistani occupation force in Bangladesh during the Liberation War in 1971,” the statement said.
Sultana Kamal said 8 lakh Rohingya refugees have created unprecedented economic, political, social and environmental pressures on Bangladesh.
“This must be explained in detail through diplomatic efforts and efforts must be taken to gain the support of the governments and people of all countries in Asia and the Middle East, India, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, England and other countries of the European Union for stopping the barbarity by Myanmar,” she said.
She said, citizens, the media, intellectuals and expatriate Bangladeshis, have to be united to build public opinion to stop ethnic cleansing by Myanmar.
The Alliance urged the government to ratify the United Nations Refugee Convention to address issues like Rohingya crisis.
Sultana Kamal said there is no alternative to providing shelter to the Rohingya people who are passing days in a very inhuman situation.