City corporations to review Rajuk approval before constructing buildings


News Desk :
Local Government, Rural Development (LGRD) Minister Md Tajul Islam on Thursday said as like before every person will have to take the approval of the structural and architectural plans from the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (Rajuk) to construct buildings in city corporation areas. But the owners will have to inform about their Rajuk approved plans to the city corporations so that they can check whether an owner is constructing a building in a designated place or as per approved design, he said in an inter-ministerial meeting on Thursday.
The minister said, “We have decided to involve city corporations to look into the approved designs as they observed some people are constructing buildings grabbing 80 feet out of a 100 feet wide canal”.
He also said that city corporations will look after the matter and there is no other way without it to make a planned city,
Citing an example of a recent Bosila canal drive by the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC), the minister said buildings were constructed in the canal in Bosila but it would not be done if the city corporation would know about it through the process of the permission.
Even if the city corporations would remain involved with the encroachments then the government would be able to bring the city corporations under accountability, said Tajul.
