Citizenship Bill aimed at consolidating AL power: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Friday alleged that the government has formulated the draft of the ‘Bangladesh Citizenship Bill, 2016 only to ensure the security of a family and some Awami League individuals.
“The motive behind the law is to consolidate the ruling party’s power and ensure their security. It’s also formulated to give protection to a specific family and some ruling party people,” said BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
Speaking at a discussion, he further said, “It’s clear Awami League has been working since it assumed office to restore the one-party rule in a planned way so that no one can raise voice and express alternative opinions, except them.
They’re also enacting various laws to this end.”
BNP arranged the discussion at a city hotel on the draft bill attended by pro-BNP professionals, including educationists and lawyers.
The Cabinet gave the final approval to the draft of the ‘Bangladesh Citizenship Bill, 2016’ on February 1 last year, expanding the existing scope of having dual citizenship by expatriate Bangladeshis. Opposing the bill, Fakhrul said the government is enacting such a law to cling to power by dividing people and society.
According to the draft bill, he said the expatriates will not be able to engage with any political party or organisation before six years of their homecoming. “Even, they won’t be able to contest local body polls. It’s a bizarre law. Such a law for snatching people’s right can’t be formulated.”
The BNP leader also urged all to create a strong public opinion against the draft Citizenship Law, 2016.