CIA nominee Gina Haspel faces grilling over torture record

AFP, Washington :
Facing tough opposition over her own record, CIA director nominee Gina Haspel will pledge Wednesday to never revive the interrogation program that saw Al-Qaeda detainees tortured.
In excerpts of her prepared testimony for a confirmation hearing at the Senate Intelligence Committee, Haspel glancingly refers to her role in the 2002-2005 program.
The CIA whisked detainees to secret “black sites” around the world where a number were beaten, waterboarded and underwent severe stress.
Ordered by George W. Bush’s administration at the time, the program has since been judged deeply illegal, violating both US and international laws against torture.
“I understand that what many people around the country want to know about are my views on CIA’s former detention and interrogation program,” Haspel will say, according to the testimony.
“I have views on this issue, and I want to be clear. Having served in that tumultuous time, I can offer you my personal commitment, clearly and without reservation, that under my leadership CIA will not restart such a detention and interrogation program.”