Chittagong North District AL Confce held


Chattogram Bureau :

Chittagong North District Awami League Acting President and Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railway Ministry ABM Fazle Karim Chowdhury inaugurated the Annual Conference of the Rauzan Upazila Awami League.
He inaugurated the conference on Saturday by flying balloons, festoons and pigeons.
Awami League Presidium Member Engineer Mosharraf Hossain hoisted the national flag as the chief guest at the conference organized at the Rauzon Government University College grounds.
Information Minister and Awami League publicity secretary will be the special guest. Hasan Mahmud. The conference’s keynote speaker was North District Awami League General Secretary and Zilla Parishad Chairman MA Salam. The convener of the Conference Preparation Committee was chaired by Kazi Abdul Wahab.
