Chinese, Italian companies celebrate economic ties

Xinhua, Milan :
The 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Italy, celebrated here in Milan earlier this week, was an occasion for many Chinese and Italian firms to take stock of their success, and exchange views and suggestions for further common progress.
Coscon Italy, which acts as general agent in Italy for Coscon Shanghai, was among the first joint ventures created between an Italian private company — Fratelli Cosulich, one of the oldest Italian shipping companies — and a multinational group in China.
“Our experience in China started early in 1980. I have a very strong memory of this adventure which has marked a very big part of my life,” Coscon Italy CEO Augusto Cosulich told Xinhua in an interview on the sidelines of a forum organized by the Italy-China Chamber of Commerce.
The Milan-based association was founded a month before the date of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy on Nov. 6, 1970.
In recent times, it has extended its attention from Italian companies wanting to invest in China to Chinese companies wanting to invest in Italy.
“I have learnt a lot from China and we have always had an idyllic relation with our Chinese partners,” Cosulich went on saying. His suggestion for those who want to collaborate with Chinese people was “have a lot of patience and perseverance, and most importantly behave well in return for their trust.”
Coscon Italy was among the many Chinese and Italian companies awarded by the Italy-China Chamber of Commerce for their outstanding contribution to the relations between the two countries.