Chinese FM to visit Dhaka on August 6


Diplomatic Correspondent :
Chinese Foreign Minister (FM) Wang Yi is going to pay a visit to Dhaka on August 6 to talk on an array of bilateral and regional issues when both countries have 47 years of long relationship.
China was the last country that recognised Bangladesh on 31 August 1975 and established its formal diplomatic relations in 2 January 1976.
Since the tie, China has stood beside Bangladesh with various financial and technical supports to consolidate the relations and Bangladesh has also reciprocated China’ call for its various infrastructural developments.
Foreign Ministry sources said that Wang Yi is scheduled to arrive in Dhaka at around 11am on Saturday when State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam will receive the Chinese Foreign Minister at the Shah Jalal International Airport.
On the day, Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen will be attending the 29th Ministerial Meeting of ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) from August 5-6. He is expected to return home in the evening of 6 August after the meeting.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will have a bilateral foreign ministry level meeting with Dr Momen on August 7 to talk on the entire gamut of the bilateral relations, sources said.
Apart from it, Wang Yi will pay a courtesy call with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina before leaving Dhaka on the same day.
Chinese FM’s visit has already drawn much attention in the region because of China’s interest in this region.
His visit is also important because of the emerging tensions pertaining to Taiwan when US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan recently.
“We have multilateral relations with China. Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit will highlight on Chinese assistance on the ongoing and future projects as well as Rohingya issue,” said Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen.
Foreign Ministry sources said that there is a possibility of signing a number of Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) and agreements in multiple sectors.
About the probable signing of MoUs and agreements, Md Shahriar Alam told the journalists : “The list has not been completed yet. But a number of MoUs or agreement may be inked on economic development. The number may be five or seven.”
He also mentioned that the agreements may be on combating disaster, cultural exchange, and educational agreement with Dhaka University.
China will implement the disaster related project with their financial support, he said adding that Bangladesh is not taking any loans for any big projects.
About the China’s role in Rohingya repatriation, Shahriar said, “Rohingya issue will get top priority in the agenda. The issue will be discussed with utmost importance. We will seek China’s cooperation to resolve the crisis.”
“China is a friendly country of Bangladesh. We have supports to China on their various issues,” he added.
The diplomatic analysts said that Wang Yi’s visit would be very significant amid the backdrop of post-Covid and Ukraine-Russia war as well as Taiwan issue.
China has a great interest in this region for his smooth functioning of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) programme. But the Indo-Pacific Strategy in where United States has a direct involvement has made China worried.
Amid such a situation, Wang Yi will be visiting Bangladesh to talk on the entire gamut of bilateral and regional issues, sources said.
After the diplomatic relations, Bangladesh and China have been in close ties to take the relations to a new height through various bilateral issues.
The relations reached new height when Chinese President Xi Jingping arrived in Bangladesh on a historic visit on October 14, 2016 when China announced huge investment in various sectors in Bangladesh.
Since then China has been implementing a number of projects like Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, Karnafuli Tunnel, Payra Port Development, Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway, Dhaka-Chattogram Highway Four Lane Upgradation, Power Grid Network Strengthening Project, Chattogram-Cox’s Bazar Railway Project, Dhaka-Sylhet Four Lane Highway etc.
Against this backdrop, Chinese FM’s visit will have a significant for Bangladesh and this region.
