Workers' agitation at Uttara EPZ: Chinese factory authority do’nt allow Friday as holiday, force workers to work for 12-hr


Nilphamari Correspondent :
About 2000 workers of Sonic (Bangladesh) Ltd, a Hongkong based High Tec Toy Factory at Uttara Export Processing Zone (EPZ) at Sangalshi village in Sadar upazila came out of their work place and staged agitation at EPZ premises on Monday morning demanding realisation of their nine point charter of demands and stop of repressional measures by authority. They also vowed to continue agitation further, which was later, dispersed by police intervention.
During agitation, the workers took control of factory microphone and delivered speeches, also vandalized roadside trees and detained a Jeep carrying factory officials. Agitating workers alleged that the authority compel them to work for twelve hours in seven days of a week including on Friday without giving govt. holiday but they were not given due overtime and if anyone protested is sacked.
They also alleged that pregnant female workers are not even granted maternal leave and if any one claims leave she is refused and insulted.
Allegations found that the workers were fined for trivial matter and the fine money was realized by curtailing their monthly wage. Chinese officials very often assault them and if anyone protested he is sacked by taking forced signature without maintaining proper rules as they alleged.
It is also learnt from them that Bangladeshi manager of the factory Motafiz is the mastermind of the oppressive measures against them.
The Uttara EPZ authority under BEPZA though were ought to look after the privileges given to the workers by the government but they cast blind eyes in this regard and indirectly supported the unwanted measures of the factory, they reported.
As the agitators became unruly, EPZ authority called police and a contingent of police from sador police station led by ASP circle reached the spot and drove them out from factory premises who later assembled outside the EPZ and continued agitation.
