Chinese cultural team meets DU VC


A seven-member cultural team led by Lin QI, Executive Chairman of Xiamen Federation of Literary and Art, China called on Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique on Tuesday at his office of the university.
Other members of the team were Xia Aixin, Lin Liang Feng, Du Dong Yan, Zha Yongbin, Su Xuan and Yang Jingchu.
During the meeting they discussed matters of mutual interest, especially the possibilities of undertaking joint collaborative academic and research programs on art, literature, culture and photography among DU and higher educational institutions in China.
They stressed the need for strengthening cultural exchange programmes between Bangladesh and China.
Exchanges of teachers and students between the two countries were also discussed in the meeting.
They agreed to work together for development of art, literature, history and cultural heritage of the two neighboring countries. Prof Arefin apprised the team briefly of the history of Dhaka University. He said DU has been playing a pioneering role to promote education and culture in the country.
DU VC informed the team that Confucius Institute was established at the University of Dhaka recently to offer “Confucius China Studies Program”.
