Chinese billionaire goes missing

Al Jazeera News :
Billionaire Chinese entrepreneur Guo Guangcheng, who styled himself on famous US investor Warren Buffett, has reportedly gone missing – causing his companies to halt share trading before an expected announcement about his fate.
The Caixin business magazine first reported Guo missing late on Thursday night, saying that he had not been contacted since midday on Thursday.
The story sparked a storm of intrigue inside and outside China, where Guo’s Fosun International is based, and stoked speculation that the man known as “China’s Warren Buffett” may have become the latest Chinese businessman to be quizzed by regulators as part of a widespread anti-corruption crackdown by Beijing.
Shares in companies controlled by Guo were halted on Friday after the reports first surfaced.
Fosun International said in a statement that trading will be halted, “pending the release of an announcement containing inside information”.
Forbes estimates that the 48-year-old Guo estimates is worth $6.9bn, ranking him 11th on Chinese rich list.
The South China Morning Post reported that Fosun is expected to make a public statement about Guo at some point on Friday night.