China urged to put pressure on Myanmar to take back Rohingyas

BSS, Dhaka :
AL Presidium Member Abdul Matin Khasru, who is leading a 20-member high-level delegation in China, urged China to put pressure on Myanmar so that that they take back their Rohingya nationals with safety, security and dignity.
“This is a humble request to you,” he said this when the Director General of Bureau of International Department of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China (CPC) Sun Haiyan met him on Thursday at Hotel Shangri-La at Nanjing in China.
Khasru told the IDCPC Director General that if China put pressure on Myanmar, then the Myanmar government would have to find out a way to resolve the problem.
“It’s (Rohingya problem) not a bilateral issue, rather an international issue and its also an humanitarian issue,” he said adding that the forcibly displaced Rohingyas have surpassed the host community in Cox’s Bazar with 11 lakh Rohingyas living there against 4 lakh local community.
Khasru, also a Parliamentary Standing Committee Chairman on Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, alleged that Myanmar is not sincere from their hearts over the Rohingya issue.
Reciprocating to Bangladesh’s gesture, the Director General of IDCPC said that China would continue to support Dhaka help solve the Rohingya problem.
“We’ll keep our words and commitments and we also hope that both Bangladesh and Myanmar can solve this problem through proper bilateral consultations,” she added.
Sun said they are confident that the Rohingya problem would move forward to a brighter solution. “The earlier the problem can be solved, it would be better for Bangladesh,” she added.
Mentioning that the Chinese government had earlier congratulated the Awami League for its landslide victory in the last general election, Sun said they are delighted to see the economic success of Bangladesh as the country has become the number one GDP growth achiever in the world.
Asserting that Bangladesh supports the ‘one-China’ Policy, Khasru, the former Law Minister, sought more Chinese assistance in Bangladesh’s infrastructures, ICT, Education, agriculture, Technical Education and in tackling climate change impacts.
He also sought more Chinese investments in the Special Economic Zone in Bangladesh dedicated for the Chinese businesses.
Listing various developments and achievements in different socio-Economic fields over the last 10 years under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Khasru said that the government of Sheikh Hasina has curbed terrorism and extremism with iron hands.
Noting that the relationship between the CPC and AL is very deep, Sun said the CPC considers AL as it’s best friend.
“We’re very happy to see rapid development in Bangladesh ……..attaining 8.13 percent growth by Bangladesh is a really a fast attainment,” she added.