China to promote global business circles to join in B&R construction, CCOIC officials

Xinhua, Beijing :
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) will join hands with World Chambers Federation to promote business circles from various countries to take part in the Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative, according to a press conference of the CCPIT held on March 29.
“Amid a moderate slowdown in the global economy, trade and investment cooperation among B&R countries has become increasingly important,” said Sun Xiao, director of the multilateral cooperation department of CCOIC, adding that it is necessary to promote trade liberalization and fight against protectionism in a bid to achieve win-win result.
According to Yu Jianlong, secretary-general of the CCOIC, in order to fully mobilize domestic and overseas business circles to participate in the B&R Initiative, CCPIT and CCOIC plan to work with the World Chambers Federation to hold a forum on B&R trade and investment on April 12.
“The forum is aimed at uplifting confidence of global business circles in joining in the B&R Initiative, enhancing exchanges among them and helping create a more favorable business environment,” said Yu.
It is estimated that over 600 participants will take part in the forum, with foreign guests accounting for two thirds of the total. They come from more than 70 countries and regions along the B&R routes.
“The enthusiasm shows strong desire from global business circles to get involved in pragmatic cooperation under the B&R Initiative and contribute their wisdom to global economic governance,” said Sun.