China to improve economic, social and cultural rights

Xinhua, Beijing :
China will make more efforts in eradicating poverty and improving public service system, said a government action plan released on Thursday.
The National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020), released by the Information Office of the State Council, said the Chinese government will steadily enhance the level of equal access to basic public services and protect citizens’ economic, social and cultural rights.
More proactive employment policies will be implemented with a training system of lifelong vocational skills provided to workers, said the action plan, adding that a wage and benefits system and a long-term safety production mechanism will be further improved.
It said that full efforts will be made to reduce poverty, and ensure basic housing, clean water, food security, and convenient transportation.
By 2020, 30 million people shall be lifted out of poverty by way of developing specialty industries, 10 million by way of transfer employment, 10 million by relocation to other areas, and the remaining 20 million, who have partially or completely lost the ability to work, shall be covered by social security.