China to continue give vaccine support to BD


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said China will continue to provide Bangladesh with Covid-19 vaccines to help the country fight the pandemic.
He also said China is willing to work with Bangladesh to maintain the momentum of the development of the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries.
The Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister met Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momon in Tashkent and discussed the issues on the sidelines of the International Conference on “Central and South Asia: Regional connectivity – Challenges and opportunities” inTashkent, Uzbekistan on Thursday.
Wang Yi said that China and Bangladesh are good neighbors and friends and the two sides always adhere to equal treatment and mutual respect, continue to deepen friendly cooperation, and actively jointly build the “Belt and Road”.
Yi said China highly appreciates Bangladesh’s firm support for China’s correct position on issues related to China’s core interests, and will, as always, support Bangladesh in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity,
safeguarding international fairness and justice, and upholding the basic norm of international relations of non-interference in internal affairs.
“Both parties must jointly oppose the politicization of the virus’s origin. China is willing to provide support and assistance to Bangladesh in poverty reduction through China and South Asian Poverty Reduction Centers,” said the Chinese Foreign Minister.
Dr Momen said that Bangladesh has always adhered to the one-China principle and firmly supports China on issues involving China’s internal affairs such as Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Tibet.
“Thanks to China for providing vaccine assistance to Bangladesh and sending charcoal in the snow at a critical moment,” he said.
Bangladesh opposes the politicization of traceability, and hopes to cooperate with China in vaccine filling, and strengthen anti-epidemic cooperation under the framework of the six countries of Bangladesh and China’s Abanis, said a media release shared by the Chinese Embassy in Dhaka.
“China has set an example for the world in poverty reduction. Bangladesh supports the China and South Asian Poverty Reduction Centers proposed by China and hopes to share China’s experience in poverty reduction,” it reads.
Bangladesh hoped that China will continue to play a mediating and constructive role in properly resolving the Rakhine State issue.
Dr Momen reiterated his request to initiate vaccine coproduction in Bangladesh with partnership from Bangladeshi and Chinese stakeholders.
