China sees prospect in Dhaka-Naypyidaw power sharing

UNB, Dhaka :
China sees a good prospect in electricity sharing by Bangladesh and Myanmar in the future through grid interconnection transmitting clean hydropower from China’s Yunnan Province, says a senior official of a leading power company of China.
“May be in the future Bangladesh and Myanmar can reach an agreement and we can transmit clean hydropower from Yunnan Province to Myanmar and then to Bangladesh,” Deputy Director of China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd Li Xinhao told UNB.
While talking to this correspondent at his office, he, however, said their company is actively participating in the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative though grid interconnection is a very complex issue when it involves a third country. “Especially when the third country and your destination country have some border issues,” said the official at the International Business Department of the company which is seriously looking for power cooperation with South Asian and the Southeast Asian regions.
He said they, as a company, always do what their central government directs them to do. “We can’t personally facilitate such collaboration. I believe it’s a state-to-state issue.” Xinhao said they are currently considering establishing China-Myanmar inter-grid connection considering the evolving political and economic landscape. “May be in the future, Bangladesh and Myanmar will also reach a similar consensus following the growing electricity demand.” Responding to a query, Xinhao said Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector is growing fast and Bangladesh, after a certain

stage, will go for a high-end manufacturing path.
“High-end manufacturing requires high quality electricity and stable grid connection and smooth transmission sector,” he said sharing China’s experience in this particular transition.
He said, development of power sector in a country is a precondition of economic development. “If you don’t have stable power and transmission system, it’ll affect overall production system.”
Responding to another question, Xinhao said they are willing to help Bangladesh develop its power sector. “We’re willing to share our technology, strength, management and overseas experience with Bangladesh.”
