China is increasing state’s economic control: US

AFP, Geneva :
The United States on Thursday accused China of falsely claiming that it was working to open its economy, insisting that Beijing’s real goal was to deepen the state’s economic control.
In a blistering attack delivered to the World Trade Organization’s top body, US Ambassador Dennis Shea rejected Chinese assertions that it had satisfied the conditions of WTO membership.
“China has not been moving toward a fuller embrace of market-based policies and practices since it joined the WTO in 2001,” Shea told a General Council meeting.
“In fact, the opposite is true. The state’s role in China’s economy has been increasing,” he added, according to prepared remarks distributed by the US mission.
“For China, economic reform means perfecting the government’s and the Communist Party’s management of the economy.”
Shea then turned to China’s presentation at the country’s WTO trade policy review earlier this month, where a senior delegation said Beijing was committed to “open, transparent, inclusive and non-discriminatory” trade.
“China’s portrayal of itself is not accurate, of course, as we all know,” Shea said. President Donald Trump’s trade team has expressed multiple frustrations with the 164-member WTO, but in recent weeks the organisation’s failure to properly discipline China has taken centre-stage.