China hopes for early repatriation of Rohingya this year: Chinese envoy


Staff Reporter :
Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming on Sunday said, his country is expecting a significant progress of an early repatriation of the displaced Rohingya people sheltered in Bangladesh, after driven by Myanmar by the end of this year.
“Though there is no officially organised repatriation yet, some progresses by been made. We hope we will achieve it by this year,” he said while talking to an event organised by the Chinese Embassy in Dhaka at a city hotel.
That the envoy, however, said he would not disclose the entire mechanism before achieving anything significant completely.
“We have undertaken some mechanism in this regard. But we should not disclose the details. I can’t give more information about it. But one thing I can say is that China is making all its efforts to help and speed up the process of an early repatriation of the Rohingya people,” he added.
The ambassador, however, said the repatriation of Rohingya people who were persecuted by the Myanmar Army in August 2017, would be safe, dignified and sustainable.
Under the pressure of the international community on Myanmar, China embarked on the role of a mediator between Bangladesh and Myanmar to resolve the crisis as China has strong bilateral relations with both these countries.
With the suggestions from China and India, Bangladesh inked a bilateral agreement with Myanmar in 2017 for the repatriation but it did not gain much impetus.
Against this backdrop, China took the role of the mediator to permanently resolve the crisis.
It brought the representatives of the both countries on the same table on several occasions to reach a consensus to take back these displaced and persecuted communities to the Rakhine state of Myanmar.
Li Jiming yesterday again reiterated that China was optimistic to make significant progress at the end of this year.
