China for faster construction of BCIM corridor

BSS, Kunmimg :
China suggested faster construction of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) economic corridor for expediting regional economic growth through boosting regional cooperation in trade, business and investment.
“Construction of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar and China-Pakistan economic corridors as well as cooperation in the Greater Mekong sub-region should be accelerated,” said Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao, as he was addressing the opening ceremony of the China-South Asia Expo and Kunming Import and Export Fair in Kunming of southwest China’s Yunnan Province.
The BCIM is an initiative for significant gains through sub-regional economic cooperation within the region. The multi-modal corridor will be the first expressway between India and China and will pass through Myanmar and Bangladesh.
The corridor will offer greater market access to the regional countries for goods, services and energy, and would eliminate non-tariff barriers to facilitate better trade opportunities.
The vice president said that China would cooperate more with south Asian countries with an aim of building a “community of common destiny” with south Asia.
He said China would offer all possible cooperation to its neighbors while it would respect south Asian countries’ rights to choose a development path according to their own national conditions.
“China will encourage its enterprises to participate in infrastructure construction of south Asia, including roads, railways and telecom networks,” said the vice president.
Earlier, China expressed its willingness to maintain high-level visits, deepen pragmatic cooperation and push forward the construction of the BCIM Economic Corridor with Bangladesh.
China also hoped the two countries can promote people-to-people exchanges, and cooperate and coordinate in both international and regional issues.
China is committed to promoting China-Bangladesh partnership to a new level, according to Wang.