China Embassy donates blankets


Business Desk :
China Embassy in Dhaka has donated 5000 blankets among the poor people of Bangladesh especially main beneficiary was the climate vulnerable people of the Northern and coastal areas of Bangladesh including Rangpur, Kurigram, Ponchghar, Nilphamari, Jhalokathi and Satkhira districts. Association of Bangladesh-China Alumni Association-ABCA distributed these blankets to keep the homeless ward in the winter in different parts of the country.
A team led by Dr Shahabul Haque, ABCA representatives visited different parts of the country to distribute the blankets and meet the cold wave victims. The team conveyed the gratitude of Chaina govt. towards the Bangladeshi people and hope the continuation of this type of donation will be extended in coming days, said a press release.
It is noted that the winter in Bangladesh can be pretty harsh and merciless for the underprivileged where the temperature drops to below 4 degrees in some of the areas in the northern part of the country. The poor often do have neither the resources nor the ability to fight against such a temperature drop. There has been a staggering loss of life. Every year a good number of people lose their lives due to the cold wave. Vulnerable fractions, such as elderly or children, suffer the most during the cold waves.
