China calls for more international economic support to South Sudan

Xinhua, United Nations :
Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ma Zhaoxu on Friday called on the international community to provide more humanitarian assistance and economic support to South Sudan.
As the country trapped in long-term conflicts, the social and economic development of South Sudan is very backward, basic living needs are not met, said the Chinese diplomat, at a Security Council meeting on South Sudan.
The conflicts have also caused a large number of people displaced. The peace and stability of South Sudan will be affected If these issues cannot be solved in time, said Ambassador Ma.
He urged the international community to increase the economic support to the country, especially in the fields of agriculture, energy, infrastructure, education and health care.
Ma said it is necessary to fully respect South Sudan’s dominance in handling domestic affairs and encourage the government of South Sudan to play its own initiative. The international community should provide assistance according to th needs of the country and people and avoid imposing solutions.
Ma also underlined the important role of women in the reconstruction, saying that China supports women of South Sudan to play significant role in the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan, and supports the government to fully protect the rights of women and children, he added.
In order to help South Sudan improve its medical standards, especially to improve women’s medical conditions, the Juba Teaching Hospital and Rumbek Women’s Hospital were built, said Ma, adding that China will, as always, support and constructively participate in the peace process in South Sudan and play a constructive role in achieving lasting peace and sustainable development in South Sudan.
