Children urged to be enlightened with knowledge


President Abdul Hamid on Wednesday urged children to be enlightened with knowledge with a view to serving the nation and its people.
“You (students) are the future leaders of the country. You have to go a long way to achieve success in life. You have to possess all qualities of good citizen,” he said at a programme at Bangabhaban.
The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs organised the programme titled ‘Gathering of Children with President’.
Some 250 children, aged between 6 and 14, got the rare opportunity to meet the President and spend a day with him.
The children took part in different sports events at the lawn of the Bangabhaban. The kids also enthralled the President and other audience with their cultural performances.
The President said “We were citizens of a subjugated country. We couldn’t even imagine to enter the royal palace like Bangabhaban. You are citizens of an independent country. There are ample opportunities before you.”
“The whole world is within your reach thank to the development of Information technology. I want you would play role in the country’s development utilizing the technology properly,” he added.
Walking down to the memory lane, Abdul Hamid said “I am besieged by childhood nostalgia while talking with you. You know that I hailed from haor area of Kishoreganj.”
He went on “I grew up my making friendship with the wave of haor and through struggle. I crossed one village to another village by boat and witnessed the struggle life of the haor people.”
“Though I’ve been living at Bangabhaban now for the sake of my duties and responsibilities, I always deeply miss my birthplace. So I rush to my ancestral home when I get the scope,”Abdul Hamid said.
“You must visit your village whenever you get time You will also witness the natural beauty of the countryside,” the President added.
He also observed that the children will be deprived if they do not witness the natural beauty of the rural areas as it is the root and main element of living.
Earlier, Abdul Hamid replied to different queries from the children.
State minister for Women and Children affairs Meher Afroze Chumki, Secretary of the ministry Nasima Begum and Chairman of the Shishu Academy Selina Hossain addressed the occasion.
