Children need parents’ support for proper grooming


Adequate support from the family members, particularly parents, towards their children has become a crucial issue for their proper in the greater interest of transforming them into worthy citizens.
Quoting findings of different research papers, Dr Sabina Sultana, Professor of epartment of Psychology of Rajshahi University, revealed this. On the issue, rational interactions between mother and children should be taken place in each of the families, she suggests.
In the present family and social system, maximum five percent mothers share the adolescence related changed issues with their teenage sons and daughters that lead slash negative physical, emotional and social consequences for young people.
In practice, more than 95 percent mothers hesitate to share the changed matters. But, basically they are the key players to give actual ideas about the change factors among the teenaged children.
She added that adolescent period is remarkably a sensitive period for boys and girls. This is the time when many of them commit mistakes due to curiosity and ignorance. Changes in their body structure and hormonal activity surprise them unless proper knowledge on physiology is imparted to them.
Due to proper guidance and suggestions from their near and dear ones especially mothers the adolescents fell prey to various fallacies. Dr Sabina, who teaches child and adolescent psychology, said the adolescents needed decent behaviors from their surroundings especially parents and other near and dear ones for their sound grooming.
She, however, said many of our families, even some of the educated ones, remain reluctant to their teenage children along with their physical and mental changes.
Shafiqul Islam, Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police, said there are various juvenile crimes especially sexual harassments to the school and college girls, drug addiction and terrorism in the society and these are said to be the outcomes of the reluctance. Besides, some other unexpected incidents like extremism and committing suicides are happened in the society due to ignorance about the adolescence changes.
He defined that the traditional offenses of juveniles are not only limited within-telling lies, running away from schools, stealing and teasing girls. They are also involved in unlawful, anti-social and suspicious activities especially drug addictions which greatly affect the law and order situation of the society at large at present.
Juveniles get easily involved in unlawful activities by their surroundings. Deficient self-control and insufficient control by the parents, guardians and society also lead them off track.
He stated that more than 15 percent of crimes are being committed by the teenagers. The law-enforcers alone cannot prevent the crimes. But, family and social initiative has become indispensable”.
“If we can prevent them from the criminalities with legal knowledge many of the social crimes could be reduced to a greater extent,” Shafiqul Islam said adding that the media both print and electronic should work together to attain the cherished goal.
To this end, there should be measures of incorporation of legal issues in the textbooks mandatory. Besides, institution level counseling for the adolescent boys and girls needs to be introduced on priority basis.
Advocate Abdus Samad, BLAST local unit coordinator, views adolescent time is very important for every male and female. So, every one of us should feel about giving the adolescents right directions or lessons for their proper development.
Ensuring adolescent-friendly reproductive health services has become an urgent need for making the youths free from various misunderstanding relating to reproductive health.
