Chief Executive of Development Organisation for Rural Poor (DORP) AHM Noman, among others, at the cheque distribution among the affected people for rehabilitation organised recently by Dhaka WASA and DORP at Gandharbapur in Rupganj under Narayanganj district.

Chief Executive of Development Organisation for Rural Poor (DORP) AHM Noman, among others, at the cheque distribution among the affected people for rehabilitation organised recently by Dhaka WASA and DORP at Gandharbapur in Rupganj under Narayanganj distr
Chief Executive of Development Organisation for Rural Poor (DORP) AHM Noman, among others, at the cheque distribution among the affected people for rehabilitation organised recently by Dhaka WASA and DORP at Gandharbapur in Rupganj under Narayanganj distr