Chhonda to give direction of fiction-film

Entertainment Report :
“In life, some decisions have to take instantly but it is really a challenging matter for me to give direction of a fiction-film for the television channel on the occasion of coming National Mourning Day. I am grateful to production house of the fiction-film, Crown Entertainment to give me the opportunity. Everybody prays for me as I can successfully make the fiction-film,” noted actress Golam Farida Chhonda said this while talking about giving direction for the first time.
On the occasion of coming National Mourning Day, Chhonda is going to make a fiction-film titled Joshna on the story written by Shoaib Choudhury. Noted actress Chhonda is very much careful during Coronavirus. She has returned to shooting maintaining social distance and hygiene. She has returned to acting through taking part in shooting of SM Kamruzzaman’s fiction-film titled Babara Sob Pare. She took part in its shooting last week. It will be aired in a TV channel soon. Pappu Raz wrote story of it while Shahiduzzaman Selim, Shatabdi Wadud, among others, also acted in different roles.
Chhonda informed that this month she will be more regular in acting. She will take part in shooting of BTV’s Eid play to be directed by Towhid. While talking about returning acting after a break Chhonda said, “For last few days, I got many offers to work but I couldn’t show interest to take part in shooting. I have liked Kamruzzaman Sagor’s story. So, I took risk to take part in its shooting. We maintained social distance and hygiene while taking part in shooting. Sagor has made it carefully and sincerely,” she adding, “In fact, I will avoid in those works which will take four to five days for shooting because Coronavirus is being increased day-by-day. So, I will prefer one or two days’ shooting this time. Before lockdown, I took part in shooting of Satirtho Rahman’s a play,” C hhonda also said.