Khaleda urges Govt: Check spread of Chikunguniya

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Friday urged the government to take immediate steps to check the spread of mosquito-borne viral disease Chikungunya. “I pray for the early recovery of those affected by chikungunya. I strongly urge the govt to take urgent steps to eradicate the causes (of the disease),” she tweeted.
Earlier on Thursday, BNP standing committee members at a meeting with Khaleda in the chair voiced deep concern over the outbreak of Chikungunya in the capital.
They also criticised the government for its failure to check mosquito menace
in the wake of outbreak of the viral disease.
Chikungunya has spread fast in the capital with the start of monsoon this year.
According to the World Heath Organization (WHO), Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes causing fever and severe joint pain.
The disease was first detected in 1953 in Tanzania. The first case of Chikungunya was identified in Bangladesh in 2008.