Cheating meat buyers

Mobile Court led by a magistrate conducted drive and seized some maunds of rotten meats from the meat shop and realise fine and awarded jail term to the culprits on various terms. This photo was taken from New Market kitchen market on Monday.
Mobile Court led by a magistrate conducted drive and seized some maunds of rotten meats from the meat shop and realise fine and awarded jail term to the culprits on various terms. This photo was taken from New Market kitchen market on Monday.

Staff Reporter :
Food adulteration is continuing unabated in the holy month of Ramzan even though several government bodies have launched special drive to curb the menace.
During the ongoing drive, the bodies seized a huge quantity of chemically ripened mangos, substandard and date expired food products and fined some super shops, prominent restaurants for adulterating foods.
On Monday, a mobile court of RAB, led by Executive Magistrate Mohammad Sarwar Alam, in a drive at the city’s New Market, unveiled an interesting story of food-adulteration and illicit trade by meat traders.
The RAB team found that traders were selling stale meat mixed with toxic chemical.
“The meats were mixed with red colour to give it a fresh look with a view to cheating the consumers. Traders also mixed buffalo meat with beef to make brisk profit,” Mohammad Sarwar Alam told The New Nation.
The mobile court fined three meat traders Tk 40,000 and seized 6.0 maund adulterated meat from the market.
Besides, the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) on Monday filed cases against 12-business establishment in its drive against food adulteration in the capital.
BSTI conducted drives in prominent restaurants, sweetmeat shops and other business establishments and found unhygienic condition in the kitchen, date-expired food items and others irregularities.
