Padmar Char: Cheapest place for holiday-makers

UNB, Dhaka :
There can be no more excuses on missing out on any excursion trips, as one can easily visit Chandpur’s Padmar Char in little time, and for as little as Tk 260.
The concrete jungle that our city has become, often forces us to look for temporary shelter in the form of trips of the city, where greeneries are dominantly present.
One can visit Chandpur from Dhaka by sea at only three and a half hours. Various chars around the district are being visited by tourists these days, mostly at Rajrajeshwar Char, Ishanbalar
Char and Padmar Char. The chars usually stay afloat for six months in a year, especially after autumn and before spring, when the majority of tourists arrive to observe its scenic beauty.
Locals have started calling Padmar Char as a mini Cox’s Bazar, given its frequent waves and sandy shores. Masudur Rahman, a teacher at local Matripith Government Girls High School, echoed the similar sentiment.
“My family and I enjoy the beauty and atmosphere here very much,” he said adding, “If the local authorities can look into this, then it can easily become Chandpur’s top tourist destination.” Rashed Shahriar Palash, a journalist, said Padmar Char would be a fantastic addition to the tourism of Chandpur, as people would flock to the district only to visit here, similar to Cox’s Bazar. The waves flowing are a beautiful sight to behold.”
Many have started considering Padmar Char as a picnic spot, and not enjoying this during the holidays would be regretting. By launch, Dhaka to Chandpur on deck would cost Tk 100 per person, with a single cabin costing Tk 400 and a double cabin Tk 800.
After reaching Chandpur Madrasah Ghat, one has to go to Boro Station, where they would have to get on a trawler at Tk 30 per person. One can also reserve a trawler for a large group, that would cost Tk 400.