Chattogram DIG sounds tough against cops’ drug-link


UNB, Chattogram :

Deputy Inspector General of Chattogram Police yesterday said everyone, even the officer-in-charge, will be brought to book if found involved in drug trading.
“Even, he/she (OCs) will be terminated, if required,” DIG Khandaker Golam Faruq said while exchanging views with journalists at his office in the port city.
After investigating the allegation against the OCs of different police stations, disciplinary action will be taken if found guilty, he said.
“We will work to combat and eliminate the menace of narcotics from the country,” the officer added.
Regarding the upcoming national election, the DIG said police will remain alert so that no conspirators can create any anarchy or foil the law and order situation.
“We will work to uproot militancy and terrorism from our society,” he further said.
Additional DIGs Rokon Uddin and Abul Foyez, superintendent of police Nurerelam Mina, Chattogram Press Club President Kalim Sarwar, General Secretary Shuklaal Das, General Secretary of Chittagong Union of Journalists Hasan Ferdous, additional superintendents of police Rezaul Masud and Mohiuddin Mahmud Sohel, among others, were present in the meeting.
