Chargesheet against 40 including govt officials in May


Criminal Investigation Department (CID) will submit the charge-sheet accusing 40 people including four government officials in connection with much talked about Rana Plaza accident in the middle of next month after one year of its investigation.
The investigation is in the final stage and CID will submit the final charge-sheet to the court the next month, Investigation officer (IO) told the media. Rana Palaza incident is the biggest garment tragedy in Bangladesh which claimed 1128 lives.
Jobo league leader and the owner of the building Sohel Rana, his father Abdul Khaleque, five owners of garment factories at the buiding Aminul Islam, Bazlul Samad Adnan, Mahmudur Rahman Tapos, David Mayor Raku, and Anisur Rahman alias Anisuzzaman will be the prime accused of the case. Meanwhile, Abul Hassan, Shah Alam Mitu, Anil Kumar will be charged for sheltering Sohel Rana.
Savar Upazila Mayor, Commissioner of Ward number 7 and four engineers of Works Ministry will also be charge sheeted, IO said.
However, Rajdhani Unnayon Kortripokkho, Factories and establishment , Savar Municipality and local administration have been blamed for negligence of their responsibility. Investigation Officer (IO) and sub inspector of CID Bijoy Krisna Kar said, “Our investigation process will complete soon but we need little more time to complete the process .”
Of the total accused 21 are already in police custody while the rest others are absconding. The police and CID are joinly conducting drives to arrest them, IO said.
Four teams of CID have been working on two cases for the last one year. About 800 people will be made witness to give their statment in the court, including fire service, wounded garment workers and their relatives, members of probe bodies private and some of those who participated in rescue operations.
