Sabotage case: Charge hearing against Mahmudur on Jan 2

Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court on Monday fixed January 2 of 2017 to hear on charge framing against the Amar Desh acting editor in a case filed for sabotage.
Magistrate Alamgir Kabir Raj of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court of Dhaka set the new date after hearing on a time petition
filed on behalf of accused Mahmudur Rahman. The brief statement of the case says, on June 2 of 2010, the accused persons of the case interrupted police while they were performing their official duties in front of the CMM Court and attempted to snatch away Mahmudur Rahman from the police. Kotwali Police Station SI Shahjahan Mia filed the case.
On December 31, 2010, Kotwali Police Station SI Paritosh submitted the charge sheet of the court including the names of Mahmudur Rahman, his associates Zulfiquar Ali, Shahidul Islam and Hafizur Rahman.