Chaktai canal turns garbage dumping ground

A Correspondent :
Water- logging makes the life of Chattogram City people miserable as the roads and low laying areas submerge during rainy seasons every year.
As a result, water logging became one of the prime problems of the port city. Normal raining causes water logging in the low-lying areas in the city regularly. As a result, the city dwellers in the low-lying areas of Chittagong suffer.
The downpour often starts from night and continued making half of city submerged under water causing unbearable sufferings to the commuters and people of low lying areas. At the advent of rainy season, the city dwellers fear that the crisis of water logging will be severe in the current year than any other previous years as the regular dredging of cannels are yet to be completed.
During the down pour traffic jam almost blocked the city roads as maximum city roads went under knee high water in first 30 minutes of down pour. The areas went under water were Muradpur, 2 No. Gate, Chawkbazar, Bohaddarhat, Badurtala, Sirajuddowla Road, Agrabad CDA R/A, Bakaliya, Sholockbohor, Katalgonj, Halishahar and Dewanbazar.
Sources said, the five kilometres long Chaktai Khal had been filled up with hilly mud and sands rolled down from the upper side of the canal. As a result, the rainwater usually over-flow from the canal and drains.
The natural beauty of port city is under threat due to rampant pollution, tree, hill cutting, and absence of drainage and sewerage system and discharging of clinical, industrial and household wastage.
Sources said, water of Bay of Bengal at the Chittagong port channel is rampantly polluted by discharging of oil, wastage and other chemicals from ships. Besides, water of river the Karnaphuli at the estuary area is being polluted for the same reason.
Besides, oil and poisonous chemicals have rampantly discharged in to the water of the river causing pollution. The industries that situated on the banks of the river discharged the poisonous chemicals and wastage into the water while the ships and tankers used to discharge oil.
Sources said, violating the Port Ordinance and Inland and Merchant Ordinance, many cargo and container ships and oil tankers spill oil in the water of Bay of Bengal and the river Karnaphuli regularly.
Despite having a law of the government against hill cutting, in Chittagong most of the hills have already been cut in last couple of years.The worst victims areas to hill cutting are Khulshi, Panchlaish, Sholoshahar, Baizid Bostami, Foy’s Lake, Lalkhan Bazar, Oxygen Intersection and Polytechnic area, sources said. Besides, hill cutting is continuing at Banshkhali, Hathazari, Fatikchari and another hilly upazilas in the district. The miscreants cut hill for selling soil and trees. The law enforcing agencies, Environment Department and Chittagong Development Authority (CDA) failed to stop hill cutting and nab the criminals who are involved with it.
On the other hand, around 50 lakh city dwellers used to throw household wastages into the cannels and drains of the city due to lack of sewerage and drainage system. The three important canals Nasir Khal, Bohadder Hat Khal, Hijra Khal were fully damaged due to mud and pollution earlier. The five kilometers long Chaktai Khal had filled up with wastage.