C&F employees protest misbehavior of customs officials


Chitagong Bureau :
The C&F employees engaged in Chittagong Port for discharge of cargos from the ship staged demonstration by suspending their work protesting the misbehavior of concerned customs officials on Thursday.
The C&F employees suspended their cargo delivery processing from 3 pm protesting the behavior of Joint Commissioner Faisal Murad. The officials of C& F agent association sources said allegation arised against the root behavior of the Joint commissioner.
On the other hand Joint commissioner said due restrictions against irregularities of of C&F agents employees , they raised this allegations against him. Following the demand of bribes from the C&F agents, the C&F employees protested, C&F Agents Association Port affairs Secretary Liaquat Ali Howlader.
Custom Commissioner Suresh Chandra told the New Nation that the incident occurred following the misunderstandings of between them and bilateral meeting will be held in his office chamber on Sunday next, sources said.
