Certificate course on ‘Prevention of Violent Extremism’ held at DU


A Certificate Course on ‘Prevention of Violent Extremism’ was held at Dhaka University (DU).
DU Vice-Chancellor (VC) Prof Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman distributed certificates among the participants of the course on Sunday, said a press release.
Center for Genocide Studies of DU organised the programme at its conference room.
Speaking on the occasion, DU VC said that the genocide of 1971 by Pakistan reminded us about violent extremism.
“Dhaka University was one of the centers of Pakistani soldiers and their collaborators for mass killings and inhuman activities in 1971.
The purpose of the Genocide Studies Center is to keep the country’s history alive among students and researchers, he said.
Chairperson of Center for Genocide Studies Professor Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed presided over. Professor Dr. Delwar Hossain and Robert Storeman of UNDP were also present.
A total 18 journalists of print, electronic and online media houses participated in the five-day course.
