CEO urges GP employees to play extended role during virus crisis

Economic Reporter :
Grameenphone Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Yasir Azman on Wednesday urged its employees to put forward their role more than a telecom service provider as the country is passing through a crisis moment amid the outbreak of deadly COVID-19.
“Our customers need us most during this crisis and challenging time,” Azman said in his first ever virtual townhall with more than 1600 employees of country’s leading mobile phone operator Grameenphone.
“We have been joining forces with front-liners who play a critical role in fighting COVID-19 in collaboration with a2i, WHO, DGHS, and other government bodies that cemented our confidence – we are not alone,” he said, reinforcing commitment to serve customers by ensuring safety first for employees, customers and partners.
Azman told the Grameenphone employees that “if we fail, many will fail during this time. So don’t lose confidence and hope.”
“We have a critical role to play to keep the eco-system moving, starting from customers to critical infrastructure in the communication front,” he said, adding, “When we take care of ourselves, we remain fit to keep our network healthy thus, we serve our purpose to maximize the benefit of communication solutions and help Bangladesh stand tall against the adverse force like coronavirus.”
Mentioning that all are equally vulnerable in personal, professional, social, and online life, Azman said online predators are more active than ever before.
The Grameenphone CEO also reminded the employees three home office rules in the town hall. “Don’t forget to take care of your health and family. Treat the home office as a regular office – don’t miss out to catch up with your team every day and be the help when someone in need,” he said.