Central Coordination Meeting between Dhaka WASA and its partner NGOs was held on Tuesday at SWASA Bahan to discussed about the improved services for low-income people in the city. Abul Qasem, Chief Engineer, DWASA. SMA Rashid, Executive Director, NGO Forum for Public Health. Anisur Rahman Sarkar, Project Engineer, WSUP and M Nurun Nabi, Project Manager, NGOF-WSUP particiapted in the meeting.

Central Coordination Meeting between Dhaka WASA and its partner NGOs was held on Tuesday at SWASA Bahan to discussed about the improved services for low-income people in the city. Abul Qasem, Chief Engineer, DWASA. SMA Rashid, Executive Director, NGO Foru
Central Coordination Meeting between Dhaka WASA and its partner NGOs was held on Tuesday at SWASA Bahan to discussed about the improved services for low-income people in the city. Abul Qasem, Chief Engineer, DWASA. SMA Rashid, Executive Director, NGO Foru