Cement laden cargo sinks in Mongla-Ghasiakhali Channel

Bagerhat Correspondent :
A cargo ship named MV. Madina-Maowara-1 laden with two thousand bags of cement sank in Mongla-Ghasiakhali busy channel near at Rampal ferry ghat on Saturday morning.
 Following the incident , movement of ships and other water vessels became very risky. Being informed of the matter high officials of BIWTA visited the spot.
 Eye witnesses said that the cargo after loading the cement from Mongla Port area was going to Lebukhali cantonment area and when it reached the place of occurrence a speeding ship crossed the cargo from its behind and the heavy waves created by the ship hit the cargo and consequently, it sank in the channel. Jaber H Majumdar, Assistant Engineer of BIWTA told the newsmen that the position of sunken cargo was located and it will be salvaged as early as possible in order to make the channel clear for the easy movement of water vessels.