Cello-Piano-Audio 3 at AFD December 21

Entertainment Report :
Alliance Française de Dhaka (AFD) is going to arrange a musical concert titled Cello-Piano-Audio 3 by Philip Hazra and Yulia Evdokimova on December 21 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at La Galerie of AFD in the capital’s Dhanmondi area.
AFD will feature again the duet: resident maestro cellist Philip Hazra and Russian pianist Yulia Evdokimova. The third edition of the musical concert Cello-Piano-Audio 3 will certainly stir up the atmosphere. For the connoisseurs of classical music, for the music lovers, and for anyone craving to listen to great music, the evening will be an enjoyable one. The concert will be featuring solo and duet performances of the lyrics like L V Beethoven’s Minuet, C Saint-Saens’ The Swan, R Schuman’s Traumerei, and many more.
Maestro cellist Philip Hazra has been playing a vital role to promote western classical music in Bangladesh through teaching Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass. He has been teaching violin and cello at AFD since 2007. Yulia Evdokimova has also been teaching piano in Bangladesh for last twenty years. She is well know everywhere for her wonderful piano recitation.
The concert is open to all. Please note that the venue offers limited seating; seating is available on a first come, first served basis, said the organisers.