Celebrating New Year Day

Ramisa Maliha Bhuiyan :
The New Year is a celebration that is carried out on a grand scale every year. The New Years’ holiday is often marked by fireworks, parades, and reflection upon the last year while looking ahead to the future’s possibilities. It is a privilege indeed for one to live in a multi – racial society where people of different races and religion have the opportunity to mingle with one another during auspicious occasions like this.
Prior to the arrival of New Year, all families busy themselves with a thorough spring cleaning of their homes.
 If one has been neglecting housework, this important celebration will definitely prompt you to take immediate actions.
Many Cultures celebrate this New Year day in their own unique way. Typically the customs and traditions of Happy New Years Day involve celebrating with champagne, drinking, fireworks and a variety of different foods. On the other hand, Baking tarts and preparing cookies usually start about two months before New Year.
House wives are kept busy in the kitchen, making, baking and storing all the various tarts and cookies.
At the same time, shopping for new clothes and shoes is a customary preparation for most people.
A certain budget is set aside for such purchases and there are a few qualms in this essential spending.
This is because the people believe that New year marks the beginning of the new year and being optimists, everything must commence on the right note – having abundance of food, a set or more of new clothes and a pair of new shoes.
Before the arrival of the big day, all debts of any kind must be settled and all bickering resolved, not forgetting laying down a few resolutions for the New Year.
During the two days of public holidays, the people use the opportunity to visit relatives and friends. There is much formality observed especially among traditional families who adhere strickly to the norm of having the younger generations visiting the older generations as a form of respect.
People often extend their invitation to friends and other races to visit them during the festive season.
Children are most excited for it is during this celebration that they receive red packets containing money from their relatives and have a good tuck in all of the cookies and pie they want. More often than not, a feeling of tolearance and generosity prevail throughout this festive celebration.
It is for this reason that New Year appeals to me immensely. For many celebrating New Years, it is their opportunity to learn from the prior year and make positive changes in their life. Happy New Year everyone and hope u have a wonderful year ahead..!!!

 (Ramisa Maliha Bhuiyan is a BBA student).
