Celebrating ‘developing country’ status in academia

Campus Report :
Comilla University (CoU) brought out a joyous rally to celebrate the country’s great achievement of ‘developing country’ status ‘ at the university campus on Thursday.
 Students, teachers, Officers and staffs of the university joined the rally. CoU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Emran Kabir Chowdhury inaugurated the rally by releasing balloons and festoons. Earliar, Bangladesh has become eligible to graduate to a developing country from a least developed one as it has met all the three criteria for the first time for getting out of the LDC bloc.
As a part of celebrating the achievement of “Becoming Developing Country” declared by United Nations (UN), Southeast University (SEU) organized a cheerful procession on Thursday at the main building of the university in the capital. To celebrate the glorious event students, faculty members and officials of Southeast University participated in the procession with banners and festoons. Starting from the Banani Campus, the procession ended at the same. M Kamaluddin Chowdhury, representative of BOT and Prof Dr ANM Meshquat Uddin, Vice Chancellor of SEU led the procession.
International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) also organized a procession on Thursday to mark the day with a befitting manner. Besides to mark the success of becoming a developing country, a colourful procession was organized by Sher-e-Bangla Girls College in the city led by its chairman Rasurul Haque Shaheen.