Ceasefire means more killing of Palestinians next time


IT is no credit for Egypt as a Muslim country to meekly broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas for the benefit of Israel.
There will be no permanent ceasefire from Israel unless the international community helps Palestine to become strong as a state. There is no sense why the Palestinian authority will have to negotiate with Netanyahu for Palestinian statehood. Netanyahu is a mad killer of Muslims and the Palestinians are not seeking statehood from Netanyahu.
As the Israeli offensive in Gaza reached the 30th day, it left a trail of innocent blood – approximately 1,867 Palestinian civilians out of whom 296 were children. A recent trend in Israeli Defence Force’s (IDF) selection of targets, has been the United Nations’ (UN) shelter for civilians, which are actually schools run by the UN in Gaza. With the capacity of only a few hundred, these UN shelters now hold more than 1,500 civilians each, mostly women and children. Poor Palestinians viewed these shelters as safe havens from Israeli attacks. Alas, they were proved bitterly wrong.
The past three ceasefires brokered by Egypt earlier collapsed as violence broke out and Israel resumed air strikes. This time Ban ki Moon has urged “utmost restraint” after the ceasefire was declared. On the other hand, Mark Regev, spokesperson for the Israeli Prime Minister said “Our goals in this operation have always been ultimately defensive,”. The Israel government has boastfully claimed that they have finished their job. In other words, the ceasefire was to allow Israel to kill more Palestinians next time.
Israel empowered by US and British weapons is too much conscious of its power of destroying properties and killing Muslims of Gaza and Palestine as it wishes. The government of Israel is nothing but a killing machine of Muslims in the Middle East.
It is a disgrace that Arab neighbours as Muslim countries are tolerating massacre of Muslims in Gaza and Palestine. We also do not support the mad adventure of Hamas, but killing of innocent Muslims cannot be justified if they have any sense of respect. 
