Ceasefire is slow death for Syrian people — shame to US betrayal

THE ceasefire in Syria that was implemented on Monday after marathon negotiation in Geneva by US Secretary of States John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is welcome but is equally open to many questions. It is subject to renewal in every 48 hours and if continues through the week Washington and Moscow will begin the unprecedented joint targeting of jihadists like IS and former al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh al-Sham Front in their strongholds. But many doubt whether the truce will ultimately work when the major rebel groups are questioning the Russian dominated terms of the truce and Bashar al-Assad’s commitment to the truce.
Syrian government forces and rebels had yet to withdraw from a road needed to deliver aid to the city of Aleppo on Thursday, threatening the most serious international peacemaking effort in months as the sides accused each other of violating a truce.
The aid delivery to rebel-held eastern Aleppo, which is blockaded by government forces, is an important test of a US-Russian deal that has brought about a significant reduction in violence since a ceasefire took effect on Monday.
The UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura said the United States and Russia were expected to manage the disengagement of forces from the road, but also criticized Damascus for failing to provide permits needed to make aid deliveries to other areas.
France, which backs the opposition, became the first US ally to publicly question the deal with Moscow, urging Washington to share details of the agreement and saying that without aid for Aleppo, it was not credible.
About 300,000 people are thought to be living in eastern Aleppo, while more than one million live in the government-controlled western half of the city.
Stocks of food and life saving medicines are ready but these humanitarian aid cannot enter Aleppo where people are starving though the implementation arrangement was supposed to have come into effect five days before.
It is not surprising that US is too feeble about using its super power position to oust the Hitlerite regime of Bashar al-Assad while Russia is fully committed to keep Assad in power, no matter the Syrians are dying and living in most miserable condition as refugees in countries where they are not wanted. Muslims are angry when the US super power ability is of no help for the Muslims. The indifference of using American power to help the Muslims has given rise to the madness of ISIS and al-Qaeda militants. By not coming to the help of the Muslims, the US will not be able to end ISIS.
