CCC polls a model of election irregularities: EC Mahbub Talukdar


News Desk :
Just concluded Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) election was a “model of irregularities,” said Election Commissioner Mahbub Talukder on Thursday.
He said the CCC election was a “model of election irregularities.”
“If this model is emulated in future, it will not be possible to stand with dignity as a democratic state in the global arena.”
Speaking about the Chattogram City election that took place on Wednesday, the election commissioner said, “I want to be part of the efforts for democracy by ensuring an election of due dignity.”
Mahbub Talukdar said, “I am dismayed with the disorder that prevailed in the Chattogram City Corporation election. My fears materialised and my cautions came to no use. The deaths of four persons before and during the election was equal to killing four families.
“The election has been tarnished by violence, forceful control of centres, damaging police vehicles and EVM, and so on. We must find a way to hold free and fair elections, to bring a halt to such chaos. This will not be possible unless the election process is changed. This requires a consensus, regardless of party affiliation or ideology,” the Election Commissioner said.
He went on to say, “Only 22.5 per cent of the ballots were cast at the Chattogram City Corporation election. Such a low number of votes cannot be an indicator of democracy. It indicates people’s lack of confidence in the election and this is a warning sign for democracy.
“If free, neutral, lawful and credible elections were held in a safe environment, the voter turnout would certainly have gone up. It is not acceptable that even 50 years after the independence, we are still unable to hold a credible election.”
