CCC mayor Nasir to work with Mohiuddin’s advice

Chittagong Bureau :
Newly -elected Chittagong city mayor and city AL General Secretary AJM Nasiruddin disclosed his determination to work for city development with the advices of the elderly politician and President of City AL and former Mayor ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury .
 He announced his pledge while visiting the ailing Mohiuddin C howdhury at his latters office in city on Wednesday evening.
Sources said Nasir went to Mohiuddin’s residence at about 4 pm on Wednesday and garlanded him with flowers seeking b lessings .Mohiuddin chowdhury welcomed new city Mayor Nasir with smiling face . AJM Nasir passed some time s with Mohiuddin Chowdhury .
 The elderly leader Mohiuddin Chowdhury exchanged views with him and discussed the matters of recently held election .
During their 40 minutes discussions, Nasir sought a series of advices about the running of city corporation from former Mayor as an elder brother. Newly elected Mayor also told the journos at the residence of Mohiuddin Chowdhury that he want to be a active worker of the city corporation not as city father. Among others AL central committee member Alauddin Nasim, lawmaker Ahekullah Rafique, Barrister Mahibul Chowdhury Nowfal, and general secretary of Peshajibi Parishad Riaz Haider chowdhury were present on the occasion.