CCC Mayor faces questions for increasing taxes

Chittagong Bureau :
City Mayor A J M Nasir Uddin is facing questions of ward councilors about increased taxes in the 26th General Meeting of CCC held on Wednesday.
 The councilors alleged in the meeting that they are not clear about the increased taxes of the city dwellers, but the city dwellers asked many questions about increased taxes.Ward Councilor A F Kabir Manik asked the mayor if CCC increases taxes, why they were not informed. “We are facing the questions of city dwellers. But, as a ward councilor said I never involved with the tax payment activities of city dwellers. But, the city dwellers are unhappy over the newly increased taxes now which might hamper the next national polls,” he commented.
Responding them Nasir Uddin alleged that vested quarters are trying to discourage the city dwellers in paying taxes by telling that the city corporation increased the holding taxes. “But, it is fact that CCC is not increasing any taxes, but reassessment of the values of holdings caused increase of holding taxes.”
He also said CCC is going to introduce Holding Tax Management System (HTMS) by automation system of payment of taxes to ensure the transparency in tax collection. “After introducing the automation system, everybody can pay the taxes from home. Through the HTMS, transparency will be ensured and tax collection will be increased.” The 26th General Meeting of CCC was held at the residence of the mayor as he is in bed rest now due to sickness.