CCC honours 6 highest tax payers including Port

CCC Mayor A J M Nasir Uddin giving honoraray crest to the highest tax payers at the Work Planning and Poura Tax Honourary Programme under CCC Revenue Department as Chief Guest on Wednesday.
CCC Mayor A J M Nasir Uddin giving honoraray crest to the highest tax payers at the Work Planning and Poura Tax Honourary Programme under CCC Revenue Department as Chief Guest on Wednesday.
Chattogram Bureau :
Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) has honoured six govt and non-govt organisations including Chattogram Port as highest municipal tax payers .
 Besides, 8 business personalities have also been awarded with highest honour for tax paying.
 City Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin handed over these Honourary awards to the respective organizations and persons at the presentation program of work plans of CCC Revenue Deptt for the fiscal 2018-19 held at the conference hall of World Trade Centre in the city on Wednesday as Chief Guest.
Chief Revenue Officer of CCC Dr. Md Mustafizur Rahman presented the development work plans in the meet duly presided by Chief Executive officer of CCC Md. Shamsud Doha .
 Out of six organizations , three govt owned organizations namely Chattogram Port, GM Plant of North Patenga and Chattogram Metropolitan Police became first, second and third respectively . Municipal Tax of Tk.35,55 cr, Tk.2.83 cr and 1.65 cr paid by the Chattogram Port, GM Plant and CMP respectively.
On the other hand, three best non-govt tax payers declared viz. Ocean containers Ltd, AK Khan Co Ltd and Chattogram Jute Manufacturing Co Ltd as first, second and third rexepectively. Meanwhile , 8 tax payers each from 8 revenue circles of CCC have been awarded with honourary crest .
These tax payers are-Kaz Nawab Faruk, Fazlul Azim, Mir Ahmed Sowdagar, Md. Shafiullah, Manginsug Director of Peninsula, MD of Nurjahan group, MD of Summit Group became 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th best tax payers.City Mayor handed over the honourary crest to these tax pay. Bers on the occasion.
 Besides, Chief Revenue Officer of CCC also handed over crest and certificates to best 3 Tax officers, 3 Dy Tax officer and 3 Trade License Inspector , and 3 tax collectors of the corporation .
 CCC declared 3 best tax collectors named Md. Iskander of Alkaran ward, Jishu Kumar Nath of Pathergata and Hossain Aurangajeb of North patenga.