CCC attains reputation on edn sector : Mayor

Chittagong Bureau :
City Mayor of Chittagong Manzoor Alam said City corporation has attained best reputation over educational management in home and abroad .
He said the educational institutions under CCC was runned with the taxes of the city dwellers and the teachers of these school and colleges should be more careful to the academic activities in these school sans negligence .He disclosed it while exchanging views with the teachers and guardians of Bakalia City corporation girls high school at former’s residence in North Kattali in city on Thursday .
Mayor in his brief deliverations called upon the local councilors, teachers and guardians to maintain the peace, stability and standard of education in respective schools of the 41 city wards. The mayor said in 41 city wards of the city, CCC is running schools and colleges in each ward and the councilor s are prime responsible for better management of the schools. Chief Education officer of CCC Md. Shahidullah was also present on the occasion, corporation sources said.